Services:  Pricing:  Equipment:  Guidlines:  Ordering:  Pictures: 



Lacquer Mastering:

For lacquer mastering (both sides) and shipping your lacquers to the plating facility
-Seven Inch - $150.00
-Ten Inch - $275.00
-Twelve Inch - $275.00

The plant then usually builds the cost of your stampers into the cost of your pressing less the cost of the mastering.


Dub Plates:

Dub plates or acetates are very high quality and high fidelity, in some cases, more hi-fi than a pressed record, however, they are more expensive than a polycarbonate record due to the added expense of the blank record.

12 inch Dub Plate $75
10 inch Dub Plate $60
7 inch Dub Plate $45